• If you need to image an object at a distance...
  • Monitor an industrial process...
  • Or produce flawless photo/video images...
  • From near to infinity...

Infinity Photo-Optical Company is the recognized world leader in long-distance and continuously-focusable microscope technology. Founded in 1984, Infinity continues to pioneer this field by offering innovative products and technologies which have received international acclaim (winner of three R&D 100 and two Photonics "Circle of Excellence" awards). Infinity's clients range from small laboratories to Fortune 500 companies, aerospace industries, research centers, universities and government agencies.

Infinity has established itself as the benchmark by which all others in this industry are judged. We invented Continuously-Focusable and Internal-Focusing Microscopy. Our instrument/lens line offers the freedom to choose working distance, depth-of-field, magnification and resolution—at will. Infinity instruments (many of which operate on patented principles) offer greater user-friendliness, versatility and compatibility—with performance levels unmatched by other products—regardless of price.

Infinity manufactures long-distance microscopes, continuously-focusable microscopes, macro systems, internal-focusing devices and other lenses for industrial inspection, process/product monitoring, machine vision, QC, advanced imaging, non-contact gauging/inspection, laser/biomedical research, cinematography, etc. "From Near to Infinity" truly defines what we do.

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